NOTE: As per the NCEES Examinees Guide, books, notes, notebooks, etc. are no longer
permitted in the testing room. This does not diminish the importance of these Test-Prep
Resources as a method of study and preparation. For example, taking the time to
assemble a resource library will naturally help you categorize and document your
study materials, help you determine what’s essential to pass the exam, and keep all
your resources in one, easy-to-access tool.
What is the most important test day resource to give you the best chance of success?
Build A Solid Test-Prep Resource Library©
A Test-Prep Resource Library© is a collection of:
- Example PE Exam problems with solutions
- Applicable Equations
- Charts and Tables
- Commentary on Exam Topics (refer to NCEES)
- Codes and Standards
Organize these resources into tabbed binders – typically one binder per section (depending on the amount of information for each topic).
Assemble and personalize your Test-Prep Resource Library© based on their strengths and weaknesses.
The process of collecting, sorting, and organizing information directly applicable to your specific exam will force you to:
- consider each piece of information carefully
- make a decision on where to spend your preparation time
- dig deeper into your weaker topics
Retrieval Method
Devise a method of retrieval to locate information quickly. This could be:
- A series of tabs with concise explanations of the content of each tabbed section.
- A system of tabs directly related to an index. In this setup, the index would include the content of each tabbed section.
- A matrix containing keywords/topics cross-referenced with labeled binders, numbered tabs, and page numbers.
Spend a portion of your allotted study time to review and fine-tune your reference binders.
Test-Prep Resource Library
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