Building Envelope Analysis

Building Envelope Analysis

Today’s topic is Building Envelope Analysis, but before we start …

“In life you need either inspiration or desperation.”

~ Tony Robbins

Webster’s dictionary defines INSPIRATION as “something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create; a force or influence that inspires someone.”

DESPERATION is defined as “a strong feeling of sadness, fear, and loss of hope.”

You are at a point in your career where you have:

  1. Been supported, encouraged, mentored, and positively influenced – INSPIRATION, or
  2. Been left to fend for yourself, learning to be an engineer on your own – DESPERATION

Although in any endeavor, there is a certain amount of learning-by-experience and trial-by-fire, the best way for someone to realize and reach their full potential is to have a mentor. Better yet, have more than one mentor who teaches, guides, and encourages.

Unfortunately, the sad truth is that most engineers who run their own business, or who ascend to a position of leadership in an already established firm, learned what they know on their own. Either they didn’t have positive, knowledgeable, and encouraging role models, or they arrogantly shunned available support and are now passing these traits on to the next generation of engineers.

However, there are alternatives.‘s goal is to help, inform, encourage, and support those working in building design and construction. Our sole purpose and passion is to be the “something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create” through information, resources, and community. Take what you need from these posts, ask for help when you need it, and then, we can then pass that knowledge and INSPIRATION on to others.


As a building designer, one of your charges is to design and specify heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems for buildings. These systems can be as simple as ventilation fans for air movement or indoor air quality up to highly specialized air treatment systems. In addition, you may be required to provide input into the building design, especially when it comes to building materials.

Both of these functions require knowledge and mastery of Building Envelope Analysis. By learning these skills, you make yourself a valuable part of the whole Design Team. You will gain the respect of Architects, Owners, and Contractors as well as other Building Design professionals.

For your Test-Prep Resource Library©*, you want to find and include the following Building Envelope Analysis information – density, conductivity, conductance, and resistance or U-values – for:

Building Materials

Load Calculations for Building Envelope Analysis:

  • For roofs, walls, and glass conduction: q = U x area x CLTD
  • For glass solar: q = area x SC x SHGF x CLF
  • Conductivity = k in BTU per (hour)(square foot)(temperature difference)
  • Conductance = C in BTU per (hour)(square foot)(temperature difference)
  • Resistance (R) = 1/k or 1/C in (hour)(square foot)(temperature difference) per BTU
  • U-value = 1/R in BTU per (hour)(square foot)(temperature difference)
  • Available from ASHRAE or search online:
    • Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) tables
    • Shading Coefficients (SC) tables
    • Solar Heat Gain Factor (SHGF) tables
    • Cooling Load Factor (CLF) tables
  • Weather Data

NOTE: As per the NCEES Examinees Guide, books, notes, notebooks, etc. are no longer permitted in the testing room. This does not diminish the importance of a Test-Prep Resource Library© as a method of study and preparation. Taking the time to assemble your own library will naturally help you categorize and document your study materials, help you determine what’s essential to pass the exam, and keep all your resources in one easy to access tool.

In conclusion, using this Building Envelope Analysis information and a few quick calculations, you can be a driving force in the overall building design and system selections – building skin, structural, and HVAC. Set up a model on a laptop computer or tablet prior to a design meeting in order to quickly change and modify building dimensions, directions, and materials. You will assist the Design Team and Owner in making decisions, and you have made yourself a valuable part of the Project Team.

Building Envelope Analysis

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